In-N-Out Burger

Feb 02, 22

I’ve been searching out good cheeseburgers since I was a teenager, always looking for the places that serve up the fatty and salty and cheesy goodness. My daughter comes by it honest as I’ve successfully replicated this trait in her, so when we travel, an important point of business is to research the best burger joints and devote one or two meals to cheeseburgers served up by local establishments.


On both of our lists was to one day try In-N-Out, the West coast burger chain that routinely makes it to the top of the list of people who love cheeseburgers, and the closest In-N-Out to us is located in Dallas. In 2018, we flew out there, got off the plane, rented a car, and drove straight to the nearest In-N-Out.

It is good, no doubt about it. The secret menu is fun. You can get fries “animal style”, which means they are covered with cheese and drenched in the thousand island burger sauce and sauteed onions. The burgers are excellent griddle-cooked and dressed with everything by default.

Turns out, In-N-Out is a chain worthy of respect for more than its fare. After refusing to card customers and deny business based on clot-shot status, a few of the outlets in California were boarded up by local officials practicing straight-up totolitarianism, and it turns out that In-N-Out executives believe they ought to have the American right to serve their cheeseburgers to whomever has the money to buy them. Novel idea, right?

(For the hundredth time, if you had told me pre-covid scare that the preponderance of American leftists were woke mask-cucked fascists, I would hardly have believed it.)

Reports are that the owner of the burger stands is in “productive talks” with Florida governor Ron DeSantis about potentially moving the operation to the Sunshine State, and I admit when I read this quote from the chief legal officer of the company I got a warm and fuzzy feeling, and that, combined with the first-class cheeseburger memories, make In-N-Out one of the few companies to emerge from the covid panic a clear winner in my book:

We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government. It is unreasonable, invasive, and unsafe to force our restaurant associates to segregate customers into those who may be served and those who may not, whether based on the documentation they carry, or any other reason.

In-N-Out is a based company that serves up the classic American meal underpinned by the old-school Americanism that holds to individual liberty. Why is that so exceedingly rare nowadays?