The Covid Files

Feb 02, 24

Happy Friday! As a reminder to all who dare read, to get closer to God, one must attempt to emulate His style, and that means practice giving no fucks, laughing (embrace the humor of life), and occasionally throwing in some randomness, some chance. Take a risk and have a little fun, for no damned reason. Do you think I’ve gone off the rails? Probably, but not here. I’m saying, don’t spend your life worrying about shit because none of it matters when you’re dead, and that’s coming sooner than you think. I’m saying, laugh at all the stupid talking apes and all the stupid shit they pull. I’m saying zig instead of zag sometimes, even if it means ordering something different off the menu.

It’s that second one I want to bring out in this new category, The Covid Files, that people are exceedingly stupid and goofy talking apes, because if you didn’t notice that pre-covid “pandemic” then post covid “pandemic” you just can’t miss it. Speaking for myself, I never quite understood how stupid us people are until covid, and it’s the primary lesson I’ve taken away from it.

Covid was an elaborate hoax. To what end, I’m sitting here in 2024, four years post the initital drop, still uncertain. All I know for sure is that it was an elaborate hoax. I want to pat myself on the back here and state that I recognized it was a hoax exactly two weeks after the drop, so I was among the very earliest adopters who saw clearly that the emperor was naked. I wrote a little about it back then, and I archived those posts, and what I’m about to go through them and rerelease them, because it is time. We have had no correctives. No one has gone to prison, and no real innoculations have been created in law to prevent it from happening again, and so the media could again just create a “pandemic” out of thin air again, which is exactly what covid actually was, a “pandemic” cut from whole cloth by an alliance of government and mainstream media. That is saying nothing about the virus itself, which may or may not exist. I don’t know. I haven’t seen it. I’m saying the “pandemic” was a hoax, unequivocally.